Are Horror Movies Good For Your Health?

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HORROR MOVIES ARE GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH If you’re anything like me, you’ll love all types of horror movies, from paranormal to blood and gore. What’s that? You’re not a fan of horror? Well, you might want to change your attitude: scientists have proven that horror films can actually be good for you (Martino, 2014). Seriously! It’s easy to be sceptical about a topic like this, but through in depth research, there is actual facts and knowledge to back up the idea that horror films can improve one’s health. Funnily enough, watching a horror movie can actually boost your immune system. Research found that the amount of white blood cells increases massively while watching a scary movie, helping you fight diseases and repair your body (Martino, 2014). During the year of 2014, a strange study occurred where 32 people were made to sit and watch a horror film; a variety of diverse biological factors were measured before and after the viewing (A New Earth, 2014). These factors showed that unsurprisingly everyone’s heart rate had rapidly increased but also their white blood cell count was a lot greater than before (A New Earth, 2014). This works towards the defence system becoming more powerful and the immune system will fight off everything bad for a longer period of time (Kumar, 2014). …show more content…

While watching a horror film the brain conceals dopamine, glutamate and serotonin meaning that the brain will continue to stay alert for longer periods of time (Kumar, 2014). Any threat signals passed through the hypothalamus in the brain will stimulate the adrenal glands, creating an anaesthesia like effect on the person which effectively creates a more peaceful mind (Kumar, 2014). Also, watching a horror movie at night can get your adrenaline pumping which acts like a stress resistant (Kumar, 2014). While the adrenaline is rushing throughout the body, your energy is immediately enhanced which assists you in avoiding anxiety and depression (Kumar,

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