Architecture: The Pyramids Of Greek And Roman Domes

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Throughout the years, technology has changed the way live. This has included the way we build magnificent buildings. Old wonders like the Pyramids at Giza have fascinated people for years. There is another building concept that has attracted people’s attention for ages as well, domes.
Thousands of years ago, Greek and Roman architects created rectangular-shaped buildings supported by huge, marble columns. For example, the Parthenon has forty six outer columns and twenty three inner columns. All of these columns come at a price. There is less space in the building and the views through the building are obstructed by the columns. It was not until about 100 A.D that that the Romans did a little experiment with a new concept, arches. These Roman scientists discovered that when you put them together, they form a circular dome. This concept caught on quickly as many ancient architects began to build “domes”. They found that making a dome created more space because there were no columns involved. Without the columns, the arches provided unobstructed space that is more appealing to those u...

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