Archetype Twelfth Night

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“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” This is a quote from one of history’s most well regarded English writers, William Ben Shakespeare. Although it has been 400 years since Shakespeare’s death, he is still thought of as one of the greatest writers to have ever lived. The plays he wrote demonstrated human strengths and weaknesses, and his characters still have relevance in the 21st century. Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night is a story of love in different forms and uncontrollable desire. It is an example of where blind love can strike any moment, no matter who you are or what century you are from. The play revolves around a girl, Viola, who has been shipwrecked in a violent storm off the coast of Illyria, losing her twin brother, Sebastian, in the process. She disguises herself as a man and assumes the name Cesario for protection. Thus disguised, Viola becomes a page in the service of Orsino, the Duke. The themes of uncontrollable desire, love and loss of loved ones are still evident in our society today, as are the archetypal characters such as the Hero, the Seductress and the Adviser. The depiction of the characters Viola/Cesario are found in the movie She’s the Man (2006-directed by Andy Fickmen), which strongly resembles the characters and themes of …show more content…

This situation also occurs in the movie, She’s the Man, which shows aspects of a patriarchal society operating within the school when the female soccer team is cut without even a second

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