Archduke Of Sarajevo Essay

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On Sunday June 28 1914 in Sarajevo, Gavrilo Princip fired the shot that killed the Archduke and his wife sophie and started the train of events that led to global war. Here’s how this terrible day unfolded...

Archduke francis ferdinand and his wife Sophie were gunned down as their motorcade maneuvered through streets of the sarajevo. In Bosnia, due to its limbo status as an annexed territory, Sophie could appear beside him at official proceedings. On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz and his wife Sophie were touring Sarajevo in an open car, with such little security, when Serbian nationalist Nedjelko Cabrinovic threw a bomb at their car, it rolled off the back of the vehicle and wounded an officer and some bystanders. Princip …show more content…

Franz Ferdinand showed very little warmth to anyone but his wife and three children. In a letter, published in “Archduke of Sarajevo,” to his stepmother, Archduchess Maria Theresa, after the birth of his second son in 1904, Franz Ferdinand writes this:
‘‘By far the cleverest thing I ever did in my life was to marry my Sophie. She is everything for me: my wife, my doctor, my advisor — in a word my whole happiness. …And then our children! They are my whole pride and joy. I sit with them all day long in amazement that I can love them so much. And then the evenings at home when I smoke my cigar and read my papers. Sophie knits and the children tumble about, knocking everything off the tables. It’s all so cozy and precious…’’ The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand gave Austria-Hungary the opportunity to take action against Serbia and put an end to their fight for independence. In July 1914, the situation escalated. After demanding reparations and failing to receive them, Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia. Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary, Germany declared war on Russia, and France and Britain declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. So that was the start of World War

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