Araby And Life Of Pi Comparison Essay

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In Life of Pi and Araby, literal feelings of confinement and containment of thought are presented. Pi Patel adapts to his surroundings and refuses the containment of thought, while the narrator in Araby seeks to break away, both literally and figuratively. Physical confinement refers to one’s confinement in a designated area, while containment of thought means restricting a person’s views or perspective. Pi Patel and the narrator experience these two types of confinement in both texts, but they react to feelings of confinement differently. The sense of confinement in a literal sense is demonstrated in both texts through the surroundings of the main characters. In Life of Pi, the feeling of confinement is first shown after Pi finds himself trapped on a lifeboat with Richard Parker, the tiger. A wide-shot is used to contrast the vastness of the ocean against the …show more content…

The narrator’s mind is freed as he breaks away from his fantasy by being at the bazaar physically- the bazaar, which he had pictured as being magical and had ‘cast an Eastern enchantment upon him’, was mundane in reality, with two men flirting with a young woman. The narrator feels cheated, burning with ‘anguish and anger’, and as his delusion is shattered he realises his previous vanity, coming to the epiphany that his infatuation had reaped nothing. The narrator’s unrealistic expectations caused the narrator to become shallow and obsessed, making him lose interest in life since the girl was exotic and different from what he had experienced in his ordinary, bland environment. The narrator breaks away from his twisted Eastern fantasy, which builds up to his realisation of his own shallowness and self-deception, and finally sees himself as who he really is- foolish and vain, which ties in with the bildungsroman-sque theme of the

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