Apple Marketing Case Study

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Marketing 3.0 is the stage when companies shift from consumer centricity to human centricity and where profitability is balanced with corporate responsibility. Kotler (2010 p. xi). By this introduction, the last years, the companies are orienting its actions to long-term operations improving their stability, employment, social welfare and standards for protection of the environment. One of the companies to develop this kind of strategy to work across its stakeholders is Apple Inc., the tech leading company who by the beginnings of the millennium was ranked by Greenpeace as one of the most contaminating and less concern about the environment among its pears in the tech industry and in the present years is working and developing a multi stage plan to develop a corporate image who represents the corporate …show more content…

To develop and answer this question, first is necessary to understand the consumer behavior during the last decades and the importance of the corporate responsibility in the final product or service and therefore in the purchase action and loyalty influence on all this matter. During the last decades the Marketing was consumer-centric with some mixes of product-centric marketing. According to Kotler (2010) in some way the consumers are passive targets of marketing campaigns where the advertising tries to satisfy and retain the consumers thru the information technologies, where the consumer became smarter thanks to the possibility to approach the companies thru their websites (one to one relationship). These consumer behavior has evolved in order to request more interaction from the companies and brands in order to provide a full image about what motives the company to provide an excellent product or service. The comparison made by Kotler (2010) has emerge in a way to understand how the companies have to present themselves to the consumers. Table 1. Comparison of Marketing 2.0 and 3.0. Kotler (2010 p.

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