Apple Case Study

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Through ups and downs, the company has suffered within three decades giving an incentive to search ways to innovate to the next level. Steve Jobs and Steve Woziniak initially started up Apple Computer with one thing in mind, which was to bring forth a user-friendly computer device to the market. After many difficult situations and crisis, Apple today has come out with top of the line computers, phones, and other devices that have contributed to the society positively. As apple came off to a great start in manufacturing PC’s making the 1 billion mark in the first three years, it has given them great self-confidence within the industry. Few years down the road, as competitors started to arise they were experiencing greater setbacks. For example, …show more content…

When the A4 chip was device made into the Ipad, it has driven the market with more speed and less power. The Ipad made a huge impact in the education industry since it was a great device for people to read books and use applications that are being used on PC’s, phones. The product was easy to carry anywhere and can be used to take pictures or even be used to watch movies with family. Aside from this case study, the Apple I watch is said to have many interesting features. The Apple I watch connects to your IPhone and instead of someone having to pull out their phone from their pocket; the Apple I watch makes it easier for the person to view their messages, calls, music, etc. Most of us thought that there would never be such a product that would connect with the phone device and have insane features that many companies are not able to produce. Even though Apple was not necessarily at the best position when they started, the company has come a far way and accomplished many things by contributing various apple devices through their hard work and determination. Without Apple, our lives would not be as advanced because apple products have surely made an impact on our lives changed the way we live

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