Appearance Vs Reality Research Paper

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In today’s society we see many celebrities become caught in the persona they project to the public. Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Justin Bieber and countless other public idols have seemingly just gone off the deep end. But this isn’t new, we’ve seen it numerous times throughout history in stars, such as Elvis Presley or Marilyn Monroe, in movies like The Devil Wears Prada, and plays such as Stephen Schwartz’s Wicked produced in 2003, and Henrik Ibsen’s 1870’s play A Doll’s House. People, throughout history and still today, become so consumed in their appearance towards others that they lose sight of what’s real.

As the play, A Doll’s House opens, the audience catches slight views of Nora Helmer, a stay at home mother pretending as though she has no care in the world, even when no one else is looking. When a childhood friend, Christina Linden, shows up suddenly all Nora can talk about is how amazing her life with Torvald is. She proclaims giddily, “Oh! You can imagine how glad we are he is to enter his new position at the new year and then he will have a large salary and percentages in future we will be able to live quite differently--just as we please, in fact. Oh, Christina, I feel so light and happy! It’s splendid to have lots of money, and no need to worry about things, isn’t it?” (Ibsen 149, Act I). Nora is talking about how glamourous her life is, and how her life is worry free, when we learn soon after, that it infact is …show more content…

Evidence throughout Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House teaches us that the strive for one’s good reputation in society can often lead to the forfeit of one’s true identity and situation in life. Nora lies continuously to her family and friends for what she believes is their sake, but when people don’t truly know the person below their reputation they can’t truly care for the person they don’t truly

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