Apollo August 31st Essay

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“Oslo, August 31st” is a film by Joachim Trier's that deals with the uncertainty and self-consciousness of those trying to get a foot in this world after making some wrong choices but not knowing where to start. While the main character Anders is allowed to go into the city for a job interview through his rehabilitation program he uses this to his advantage to visit some old friends. Throughout the day, Anders seems to be struggling with his personal issues and his old past that still follows him around while he may have a chance at love and a new life. “Oslo, August 31st” is a decent film about an individual who is unable to come to terms with life, turns to drugs, and shows what the effects of those choices are. Though “Oslo, August 31st” is a good movie that touches on those who are not able to come to terms with their life, the effects of drugs and bad choices, I personally felt as though this film was dull and difficult to grasp what Anders was going though due to the lack of background to what lead him to his current state “Oslo, August 31st” opens with individuals sharing their memories of the Norwegian capital city. They recall pleasant experiences with friends and family a major jump from …show more content…

We can tell that this is affecting Anders as he keeps thinking of her. We follow Anders as he goes to a friends’ party, then moving on to the clubs and bars. Where he meets a nice girl, at the party. She does not know anything from his past and seemed to have taken a liking to him. She then invites him to come along with some friends, they ride bikes in the middle of the night with a fire extinguisher, then go skinny-dipping in a pool that Anders seems to know about due to asking what day it was then saying it will not be drained till the next day September 1st. All but Anders jump in and swim, who just smiles, nods, and stands back not jumping

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