Apocalyptic Literature In The 17th Century

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Chapter 3 Apocalyptic literature gives people some type of hope in a time of crises. A crises could be defined as a time when people think the world is ending, a war going on, maybe even a natural disaster like a flood that wipes out everything. The 17th century was a time where apocalyptic literature helped people feel more at ease when a crisis was occurring. Many people in that time period were on the line of poor and with no power, which made it even more important to have some type of hope. Henry VIII was the King of England in the 17th century. He got married more than once, then later reproduced children. They all come out to be girl's and Henry wanted a son. Catherine could not bare children any more by the age of forty two. Henry …show more content…

Mary writes to all people, including King's, city and county officials, and even the poor men and women. She tries to stop the poorest people in society from feeling let down and dishearten, and get them to let the power of Christ fall over them. Mary went on to write about how the Great Babylon made war with the Saints and after it played out in the end God made it better. Giving effort in telling people about having high hopes that everything will work out. Real destruction of nature made people feel discouraged at times. A flood in the ancient Near East around 3000 B.C.E demolished everything in it's pathway. Total of five cities was cleaned out by the tragic flood .Not only destroying plant and animal life, but human lives also. This was a hard time for people facing, having no home or resources. Apocalyptic literature come into the picture a few years later. For people to hear apocalyptic literature in the 17th century, it brought desire to have a better outcome. People that had devastating events would not see at the moment that everything could work out. Mary Cary gave inspiration for people to not give up on waiting for events to balance out with good rather than evil. No matter poor or rich, low social status or high social status apocalyptic literature was meant for everyone to read and receive the same message,

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