Ap Human Geography Research Paper

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There are many geographic features around the world. These geographic features can influence the development of a region or civilization and promote or limit interaction with other civilizations. Geographic is the study of the various features of the earth. Two geographic features that have been important are the Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea.
The Nile River has been very important for the Egyptian and Nubian civilization. The Nile River was important for Egyptian agriculture and transportation. The Egyptian was able to use the Nile to bring water to their crops. This system is call irrigation. Because of irrigation, they were able to grow crops such as papyrus, which was then use to write and record information. Another way the Nile River was use for …show more content…

The Nile River promoted contact with Nubians, a civilization south of Egypt. The civilization of the Nile River stayed in contact by boats and other transportation. The civilization of the Nile River also traded goods. Some goods the civilization traded were bricks, pottery, fish, clothing, foods etc. Egyptians used the Nile for transport to build pyramids. They used boats called feluccas. Egyptians had to use the Nile as their main transport system because they can move 20,000 tons of brick by just pulling on the sand. This all help promote interaction with the civilization between the regions.
The Mediterranean Sea is an almost landlocked body of water that is between the Atlantic Ocean and the western coast of Asia. Agriculture was very important for the people that live in the Mediterranean. Most people that lives in the Mediterranean likes good climate and fertile soil. Because of the good climate and fertile soil, much more people started to live there in an organized way/ civilization. Agriculture took hold in places where annual flooding fertilized the soil without the needs for farmers to understand how important it

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