Anyport Case Study

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There are many studies in the past about the port development such as The Anyport Model. Anyport is described as the way port infrastructures evolve in time and space by Bird (1963). Bird proposed a five stage model to demonstrate how facilities in a typical port develop based on his research into the evolution of British ports which are setting, expansion and specialization.
Setting is the initial setting of a port which is strongly dependent on geographical considerations. For example, the setting is related to the furthest point of inland navigation by sailships. An original port is usually starts as a standard evolution where most of the time a fishing port with trading and shipbuilding activities with several quays. A standard evolution …show more content…

Quays were expanded and jetties were constructed as the growing amounts of passenger and freight as well as larger ships. As the size of ship expanded shipbuilding required the construction of docks. Access to vast hinterlands is enabled as the rail lines have integrated with the port terminals with a proportional growth in maritime traffic. Activities that are related to port also expanded so that industrial activities also included. This expansion mostly occurred downstream towards deeper draft …show more content…

It was found that the closer the ports are to the hinterland, the less their port-city equilibrium is realized, given the concentration of flows and the indirect dependence on inland markets. Wang and Olivier (2007) also studied the relationship of different global supply chains (GSCs) with port development. Six requirements have been mentioned by them which are the type of cargo, volume, flexibility in using alternative ports or terminals, environment considerations, vertical integration including port facilities, and horizontal clustering in

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