Anxiety In Sport Essay

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A successful athlete is a combination of determination, talent and the right state of mind. One major factor that distinguishes a good athlete from an unsuccessful athlete is the mental state of mind. On one hand, athletes experience the thrill and joy of victory, but on the other hand, they experience an enormous amount of pressure if they loose in a particular competition/event. One main reason for this pressure could be the high level of anxiety the athlete experiences before the event. The ability to cope with pressure situations on the ‘big day’ of competitive action is widely regarded as a key determinant of success in sport. (Lavallec. D., Kremer, J., Moran, A., & Williams. M. (2004) Sports Psychology: Contemporary Themes.
New York: …show more content…

It states that as arousal increases, performance would increase as well; however, if the level of arousal becomes too high, it would affect performance adversely. In other words, as stress began to build an individual still felt confident in their ability to control it and performance would improve. However, once a stressor became so great that the individual started to doubt the ability to cope with it, performance began to decline. (September, 1999 Volume 1, Issue 2 The Relationship Between Anxiety and Performance: A Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective Miguel Humara, M.A.) Evidence exists to support this hypothesis. For example, Klavora (1978) found that within a sample of high school basketball players, the highest levels of performance were displayed by people who reported moderate levels of somatic anxiety. (Lavallec. D., Kremer, J., Moran, A., & Williams. M. (2004) Sports Psychology: Contemporary Themes.
New York: Palgrave Macmillan Publisher pg 122)
Unfortunately, one major flaw of this model is that researchers cannot decide whether the level of arousal for an athlete is too high or too low as this is subjective. Therefore, it becomes difficult to test this theory

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