Antisocial Personality Disorder Essay

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In America, people are guiltless and do not take other people’s feelings into consideration. Everyday, people manipulate others and in many situations, think nothing of it. These attributes synthesize with the social expectations of society. As a result, psychopaths are able to blend into the social norms easier than they would have been able to centuries ago. Psychiatry began in the early 19th century and since then, doctors still have not been able to determine a cure for Antisocial Personality Disorder. ASPD affects how a person reacts in social situations and how they act in everyday life. There are two terms that are more commonly used to describe those that possess ASPD: psychopath and sociopath. When the term ‘psychopath’ is heard, many …show more content…

A great deal of people show some of these signs, however small they might be. Many people with Antisocial Personality Disorder exhibit traits such as narcissism, sadism, or paranoia. Those that fall more towards the narcissistic side are less likely to be aggressive than those that exhibit paranoia or a sadistic mindset. Narcissistic people only care about themselves; they tend to be more self-centered and egotistical. Research proves that narcissism can also be directly linked to sociopathy. Those that show sadistic traits are the most dangerous of all that have ASPD, since they are commonly the ones that turn into serial killers and end up in prison. Paranoiac people are stuck in the middle of the two extremes. If more than two of the traits aforementioned are combined, the chances of a psychopath being created is drastically

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