Antigone Research Paper

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Antigone: The Theme of Women and Femininity
The play Antigone by Sophocles talks about how a brave woman, princess, Antigone, disobeyed all the rules of the King and rebelled against a distinctively, male dominated Greek society. The major theme in Antigone is “women and femininity” simply because Creon expects men to be the primary actors in society and women to take a secondary and subservient role which Antigone opposed and challenges these notions as she takes center stage and presents formidable challenges to the men around her. The role of women had changed drastically over time. Antigone is a prime example because she does not follow the footsteps of the women before her. She pulls herself up from the role of the normal women of her time. Antigone also defines herself not by her gender but by her actions and words. Antigone does this by not just …show more content…

Ismene is supposed to imitate the ideal Greek wife, but is easily contrasted by the actions of her sister, Antigone. In a heated debate, both sisters defend what they believe is the right thing to do. Ismene argues that the two sisters should stay out of trouble citing the horror their family has been through, "Abhorred, dishonored, self-convinced of sin. Self-slaughtered, both the slayer and the slain." In the eyes of Ismene it would be better to forgive and forget, and remember that they are women, "we must be sensible. Remember we are women, we are not born to contend with men.” After telling Antigone that women must not meddle with the affairs of the king decree, Antigone feels insulted and comments ruthlessly that Ismene is making a big mistake. "You have your excuses. I am on my way, raise a mound for him, for my dear brother." Antigone's quick departure from Ismene's opinions shows that she is able to think for herself as an individual and not be swayed by absurd reasons to not carry out her

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