Anthony Madrid

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Anthony Madrid is a modern contemporary poet who brings associative and surreal sensibility into his work. Madrid currently has two books of poems. His works are very aggressive but yet has a soothing after taste. Mr. Madrid has an unmistakable personality that resembles an egger student with a quick tongue. Bold, risky, and in your face but wanting his writing to be accepted and understood on a deeper level. Anthony Madrid’s poetry resembles realist views, hints of feminism with dark passion.
Defining what is feminism and what is realist is. There are multiple meanings of feminism and how it is seen though out our society. For the purpose of the paper and for the sake of references to the Madrid’s poems feminism will be defined as the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. What is defined as a realist is can truly mean two different things from poem to poem. The first way is a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly. The seconded is a writer whose style is characterized by the representation of people or the objects as they actually are in reality. …show more content…

Feminism it brought up though his poems but has to be decrypted. An example of feminism in his poems starts with Madrid’s “Girls Who are Unfaithful and at the Same Time Relentlessly Honest”. The very last stanza shows that hint of feminism, “ I am the poet Mardud; I had no childhood. Whoever wants/ To get at my meaning will have to turn her back on her/ childhood”. The reader then could interprets this as young girls who are raised conservatively grow up to be women who understand what is going on in the world. The women then give up the childhood to become who they are as feminist. This shows both realist and

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