Anselm's Ontological Argument

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Student #: 1001725779
TA: Michel S.
Tutorial: 10am St. Anselm discovers the ontological argument and he presents an argument that supports Gods existence. In this essay, I will consider the main argument that Anselm states, and list explanations that results in the uncertainty of God’s existence. This essay will critique Anslems argument by using Gaunilo idea of the perfect island and include a priori and a posteriori to show the problematic areas of Anslems argument. We begin with the explanation of Anslems argument. 
 Philosophers call the Ontological argument a reductio ad absurdum and it starts by stating the opposite view and it ends with stating Anselm’s view which is the . The ontological argument view is believing God’s existence …show more content…

The argument is used to prove that he does exists. If God exists in our understanding then he must exists in reality because only then would he be considered greater than which nothing greater can be thought. If God existed in our understanding and not in reality then He would not be greater than which nothing greater could be thought and that would make God an imperfection. Lets consider a painter for an example, you wanted to paint a wall red and you called in a painter. The painter comes in to analyze the wall to consider how much paint he needs and any other questions. After he has done his analysis the painter has an idea of what the wall would look like, however he does not know the end result. Until the painter has painted the wall red only then he would know what the wall is going to precisely look like. This same example applies to Anselm’s view of the Ontological argument. Anselm …show more content…

The design and cosmological argument are very interconnected. The design argument talks about the designer of this world and the reason for this universe and the cosmological argument mentions that the designer must have a cause because everything depends on a cause and the first cause must be God. The arguments are divided up into different foundations such as the a priori and a a posteriori. A priori relies on the knowledge in you mind, which could be either true or false. This is used to describe the ontological argument. A posteriori derives from experience which includes your mind but also your experience with the world. This is used to describe the cosmological and design argument. 
God is perfect based on the understanding (knowledge) and he must exist in reality. We have to feel Gods existence on this universe to believe that he exists in reality. This is contradictory due to the fact that the posteriori is based on experience and prior is on based on the knowledge because the ontological argument is composed of both elements. This is problematic because a priori. is limited in its ability to think outside of tits properties. A priori only thinks of the existence in only in the limitations of our knowledge. such as things that we can only touch such as hands lips eyes . However Anslems argument states existence more as a

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