Anorexia Nervosa Essay

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Most of us have heard about people who starve theirself because they are convinced that they are fat. The literal translation of anorexia is “loss of appetite” and nervosa meaning “for reasons of the nerves”. Nearly one in 200 people suffer from anorexia. Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous illness that affects people mentally, emotionally, and physically which can lead to a tragic death. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. According to Harvard Children’s Health: People may exercise excessively or go to extreme measures to lose weight. People with anorexia nervosa do not eat enough and have an intense fear of being fat. Most people with anorexia do feel hunger but will take extreme steps to ignore it and diet anyway, often to the point of starvation. (Anorexia Nervosa) There is two types of anorexia nervosa; restricting and binging and purging. The restricting type is where a person limits how much food he/she intakes. The binging and purging type is where a person will overeat and then force him/herself to throw up right after. The person may take laxatives to clear their body as well. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the main cause of anorexia nervosa is still unknown. The person’s hypothalamus in the brain improperly works. Often psychological, environmental, physiological factors develop the disorder in a person. Anorexia is most commonly diagnosed in white women who are high achievers and have a goal oriented family (Anorexia Nervosa). Psychologists theorize that the patients’ desire to control their own life manifests itself in the realm of eating­­the only area, in the patients mind, where she has... ... middle of paper ... ...permanent cure (Facts about Anorexia Nervosa). Patients suffer relapses even after successful hospital treatment and return to a normal weight. In recovery, exercise is complex since anorexics exercise excessively. Exercise shouldn’t be performed if severe medical problems still exist and if weight has not been gained (Eating Disorders). Anorexia has harsh long term complications. From severe damage to the endocrine system, hormonal changes may occur (Eating Disorders). A female may become infertile and may not have a menstruation cycle. A male may become sterile and may not gain muscle from low testosterone levels. Heart problems, electrolyte imbalance, bone density, anemia, and neurological damage are also complications from anorexia (Eating Disorders). The first victim is usually the bones. The most life­threatening damage is heart multisystem disease (Feature).

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