Anonymity On The Internet Case Study

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Davenport, D. (2002). Anonymity on the Internet: why the price may be too high. Communications of the ACM, 45(4), 33. doi:10.1145/505248.505267
Davenport’s article in the ACM periodical is strongly against the idea of anonymity being a right because it rids of society’s stability. Davenport strongly associates anonymity the opposite of accountability as he views that a large group of people depend on identities to create a verifiable democracy and authority. Without a sense of accountability, society would be anarchic and where criminality reigns. Overall, Davenport wants a stable society with patriotic citizens as anonymity creates too much risk and society upheaval. This source is important for the topic as it is explicitly the opposing viewpoint of anonymity and creates a link between accountability and anonymity. Furthermore, it makes the needed sociological effect of anonymity.
Freeman, E. H. (2000). Anonymity on the Internet: ACLU of Georgia v. Miller. Information Systems Security, 9(4), 10-15. doi:10.1201/1086/43311.9.4.20000910/31363.3 …show more content…

Freeman advocates for anonymity as a right and a part of the freedom speech and is concerned with the legal implications of the case. Alongside his analysis, Freeman recommends statures to follow when using the internet when doing private browsing sections and further relates anonymity as an important right to American citizens. This analysis of ACLU of Georgia v. Miller allows for a legal example to be used as a primary focal point of legality and anonymity. Overall, it also provides a paradigm shift of anonymity before September 11 and the NSA

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