Annotated Bibliography On Legalizing Marijuana

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Annotated Bibliography

Stimson, Charles. "Why We Shouldn’t Legalize Marijuana." The Daily Caller. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
Sept. 2016.

This article argues that Marijuana is not only addictive, but it’s also a gateway drug. One of his studies found that 30% of people who use marijuana in the course of one year become dependent on it and also show signs of withdrawal. This plant isn’t as good for you as they say it is. With the generations of people all over the country, ranging from 7- 75 year olds, smoking this over time can really have a negative effect on society. Also let alone all of the people who lead to other harder drugs once marijuana isn’t enough for them anymore.

This article also says that marijuana is usually consumed to the point …show more content…

"John Hawkins - 5 Reasons Marijuana Should Remain Illegal." Townhall. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

This article talks about the downfalls of marijuana legalization and the negative effects it has on societies. This article using Amsterdam as an example of what legalization can lead to. Crime has gotten so bad in Amsterdam that it’s to the point where there is violence everywhere. Even in small town coffee shops, or weed dispensaries. It also talks about the government of Amsterdam having problems with kids always showing up to school high. This impairs the brain in many ways found by research, especially at a very young age. Amsterdam has now banned all pot shops anywhere near schools.

There is an article within this from a doctor who has worked with marijuana addiction victims for 20 years and she talks about the effect it has on people. She says that the addiction it very profound. She states that people normally do fine with it for many, many years, but then once that high starts to wear down people start having problems. She has worked with alcoholics, cocaine addicts, etc and she says the hardest drug people have a problem quitting is cannabis. This addiction has withdrawal effects to. It can cause loss of appetite, insomnia, and even cold sweats have been reported. Also this site says that over a long time of heavy cannabis use, a person can develop neurocognitive deficiencies and psychotic …show more content…

There are many strategies and plans that have protected millions from these adverse effects of marijuana. With the legalization of marijuana spreading like rapid fire in the U.S. it puts the nation at risk. This is not a smart health or safety strategy that is going to help our country. If anything, it will bring us even lower.

Evins, A. Edin. "Marijuana Is a Risky Habit We Shouldn't Encourage." The New York Times. N.p., 5 June 2014. Web.

This author uses many informative points and facts. She also shares her statistics and marijuana effects research with us. She states marijuana puts many people at risk. The most at risk, though are the adolescents. The earlier you start using marijuana, the more the negative impact on you. Cannabis use in literally lowering people’s IQs. Regular marijuana users have shown to drop in their IQs about 8 - 10 points. It’s said the earlier you begin using Cannabis the more drastic the effects are. Using marijuana at a young age also causes attention deficit and that worsens over the years of using. Also this attention impairment cannot be repaired with

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