Annotated Bibliography: Lowering The Drinking Age

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Annotated Bibliography — Drinking Age The paper I’ve chosen to write will discuss the reasons that the drinking age in America should be lowered. Aguirre, Alexis. "National Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18." The University Star. 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. This opinion piece by Alexis Aguirre opens with the point that at the age of 18 years and older are considered to be adults and that they should be treated like they are an adult by being given the right to purchase and consume alcohol. Aguirre then goes on to talk about how even though the drinking age is 21, a high percentage of teenagers underage are still purchasing alcohol. She also states that 90 percent of underage drinking is done so by binge drinking. Later in her argument she goes on and states her …show more content…

He then tells the reader about how that when he was in college he was a Resident Assistant and that it showed him on a first hand basis that the current drinking age is not working. Instead of students not drinking at al because of the drinking age, they are just drinking behind closed doors and pre-games before they were to go out because they knew that they could not drink alcohol underage publicly. Also in the article he discusses the reason why many believe that the drinking age should not be lowered, which is that they believe that the amount of drunk driving fatalities will go up. He refutes those by stating that 3 out of 5 of underage fatalities happen off the road. Sam Tracy is a chairman of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, which makes his statements credible and reliable. Tracy has been on talk shows before and has discussed the topic of drinking age. Tracy is for lowering the age and is very experienced on the topic through his own personal involvements as a resident assistant in college, and brought up many good points that will assist the

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