Annie Hall City Of God

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6. Annie Hall
Annie Hall is one of the most famous and best sole movies of all time. This romance comedy is so special because it’s embracing and revealing both the good and the bad times in a relationship. The film describes a common couple, tied together by the true and powerful law of love. From fighting and sad scenes to love and happy, outstanding scenes, the film explain that all relationships are pure and unique and people may stay or may go, but the only love that conquered all is that true, pure love with both bad and good moments. This is a perfect film to watch with your dearest one and also, with your family. The film was released in 1977 and it was directed by Woody Allen. 5. City of God
City of God is a film full with violence, …show more content…

This film is based on the Vietnam War, which started in the Cold War. Now, the film is just an old scene and a documentary type for those who want to learn a little more about wars, but then, this movie was a true soul finder for those who battle and win that war. It was a tribute for all the soldiers who had fought in that war and never came back. Released in 1979 and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, this film is a truly …show more content…

The movie captures the neo-liberalism movement in Italy, where the chaos, poverty and the political instability stroked. This movie is all about the bounding and the love between two simple and humble human beings, which are ready to conquer it all for a better life together. This movie was filmed on the streets of Rome and it was recognize immediately by the critics to be an extraordinary masterpiece. This movie will make you cry your soul out and it will remain in your memory forever. The film was released in 1949 and it was directed by Vittorio de

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