Anne Frank: Positivity Against Conflict

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Positivity Against Conflict People face conflict everyday across the globe, it's something everyone goes through. Many people deal with conflict in their own ways, but some people just stay positive, and it helps a lot. In fact, staying positive is one of the best ways to deal with almost any kind of conflict, whether it's bullying, prejudice, or violence, staying positive can go a long way. Through the course of history, some people are faced with unimaginable conflicts, and they stay positive. Their positivity can reach as far as inspiring people around the globe, even after death.

People like Anne Frank can show the world how to stand up against any hardship. She faced mass prejudice, imprisonment, and killing of her religion, all while during World War II. She stayed positive by writing a journal—who she called “Kitty”— while in hiding from the Nazis. She and her family were found and put into a concentration camp where she became ill and died. Her legacy has spread across the globe, and inspired people young and old to stand up against conflicts and hardships.

She faced unimaginable things at only 15 years old. She was deprived of almost every luxury she had. “Only now do I realize how pleasant a street car is, but we Jews are no longer allowed to make use of this luxury; our own two feet are good enough for us,” (StudySync, 372). …show more content…

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: A Fable is one example of how one's positivity can go a long way. Bruno, a little German boy, made a friend named Shmuel, who lives in a concentration camp. Bruno doesn't understand what's happening, but he makes Shmuel feel more positive about the situation he's in. “... I should have given you some chicken too. Are you hungry?” (StudySync, 386). Bruno doesn't know about the horrors Shmuel faces, and by offering Shmuel some chicken, he makes Shmuel feel more positive about his situation, and that some people are

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