Anna Tardos Speech Analysis

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1.After reading Anna Tardos speech I feel that each element has a great impact on the infant's development. I never knew that noisy toys are not good for them and to stimulating. I also didn’t know that too many toys can be over stimulating. I wish I learned this when my child was an infant. I feel putting them in the small space could be great to keep them safe, but I only used this space for sleep and didn’t want to make it a play space. With my daughter I played with her on the floor and supervised to be their if she became unsafe. Otherwise I let her explore, I feel this worked great for her, instead of confining her. 2.I feel adults buy glittery and noise toys to entertain the infant with visual, hearing stimulation and to give them joy. I can see where she is coming from to make it simple but I feel my daughter found joy and excitement when she made the toy shine and make noise. …show more content…

Especially a lot of people go to our elders for ways to raise our children. I have also seen my generation using the internet to find new approaches, that we are starting to implement into our raising of our child. I found myself looking up different ways all the time,because I didn't like the advice I received and want to find a new approach. Part 2 1.In the video I watched a saw the principles 3 and 2. With principle 3 the caregiver was in tune with the girls way of communicating with the boy to filling the cup and plate with sand. I feel this is important because with my daughter she used sign language to communicate before she was able to speak the words. With principle 2 the caregiver sat and imagined played and sat with the children while playing letting them be in control. When the caregiver does this it displaces quality time and one on one interaction. This is very important to also establish a ground relationship between them. Part

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