Ann Thorpe's Tax On Men

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In her article, “Tax on Men,” Ann Thorpe says that a premium should be added to every tax return for every man in Canada. Men should pay a lot more of a share for these services since they are the ones that use them most. The government should follow the example of car insurance companies and tax men at a higher rate. Ann Thorpe’s position is reasonable and should be supported. Three reason why a having a premium added to every tax return for men is a good idea include the idea that men are more reckless than women, men use more of the public services that cost money to maintain and if men know they will be taxed more unless the statistics show that they are no longer reckless, they will begin to change their behaviour.

First, men are considered to be more reckless than women. Men are statistically more violent, most likely to become alcoholics or substance abusers. Some people might say that women can be just as violent and hooked on alcohol or a substance, as men this may appear reasonable: however, the article states that …show more content…

But Thorpe says that if the statistics show that men are no longer a danger or are more responsible the taxes can come down. If this happens it will teach men that if they behave properly they won’t be taxed more. Doing this will help ensure that our society becomes safer because men will less prone to violence and being reckless.

In conclusion, if there is a “Man tax” it will help with a behavioural change in men making society safer, if men are the majority using our publicly funded services they should be the ones paying most for it. And this is all because men are statistically more dangerous and reckless than women. If insurances companies are charging men high rates based on statistics why can’t the government do the same thing on

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