Animal Testing Should Be Banned Essay

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How do you feel about dogs? Did you know dogs are still killed in laboratories? Would you like to know the proper hygiene of dogs? Are you aware of how many dogs are abandoned? What’s your view on animal abuse? Over 61,000 dogs are killed each year in laboratories in the United State. “Homeless dogs and cats from local shelters for use in invasive, painful, and often deadly experiments “(PETA). They are forcing Toxins such as: Chemicals. Medicines, and Pesticides to test the effect which are slowly poisoning them. Some dogs are kept in cages indefinitely for testing or to be kept infested with worms. Depending on the breed, the sex and medical conditions of the dogs tested the results can vary and are subjective. Even the dog’s age could have a subjective result. There has been international studies with only 65% accuracy as related to toxins in human beings. “Manufactures are simply asked to conduct whatever tests are appropriate, in their opinion, to establish that their cosmetics or household products are safe, even the environmental conditions in a laboratory can affect results “(ZAAAX). Animal testing began in the 1920s and became widely used in the 1940s. There is no actual legal requirement for animal testing. …show more content…

Sometimes dogs are abandoned because people think it’s the only solution. Maybe a new household member has an allergy or someone becomes too sick to care for the dog. Other reasons dogs are abandoned are long distance move, no space in new home, and behavioral issues. Some dogs run away from owners and the animal control catches them. At least 47,000 people a year are known to abandon their dogs. “In total 102,363 stray and abandoned dogs were handled by local authorities between 2014 and 2015 “(DOGSTRUST). Some of the worst excuses people give when abandoning their dogs are, He’s not cute anymore, My girlfriend/boyfriend doesn’t like them, and caring for them takes up to much time and

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