Animal Testing Research Paper

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Seventy million of lives are claimed by animal testing facilities and millions more survive through the horrific tests, suffering the psychological and physical consequences. The use of animals in experiments at labs that are funded by the government has increased 73 percent in the past 15 years, according to a new study conducted by PETA. The study, in the Journal of Medical Ethics, found the number of animals tested increased from 1,566,994 in 1997 to 2,705,772 in 2012 in testing by the top 25 institutional recipients of National Institute of Health grants.” stated CBS News. With each year, the numbers increase these experiments range from experimenting new household items to medical breakthroughs.

From the moment the animal is born …show more content…

Food and water get taken away for testing purposes. Sometimes the animals are kept restrained for long periods of time without any food or water or breaks to relieve themselves. Things such as social isolation and constant breeding and separation from the mother bring a great deal of stress to this animals. To top it of 95% of the animals that are used in experiments are not protected by Animal Welfare Act such as rats, fish and birds just to name a few. This is a problem because those animals have higher risks or being mistreated and mental and physical abuse. Over 25 million of animals are used for biomedical experimental, products and cosmetic testing which includes animals such as dogs, cats, pigs and sheep just to name a few. Behind the facilities walls there is no telling what can’t be done. Enduring this amount of trauma can lead to the animal to completely shut down and …show more content…

Many have avoided to use and even discuss the alternative options. Many still believe that animal testing is is acceptable because it is for the greater good for humans to have safer products. Others think animal testing is an acceptable thing to do because animals are below the human race therefore, they do don’t have the same rits as us. Studies shown that people have become okay with it because they believe that animal do not suffer and is completely necessary, they simply choose to ignore the reality of it, that animals suffer horrific and traumatic experiences. For example , many cosmetic companies have come up with ways to test their products without the usage of animals.

Majority of the animals that are used, are flawed which means poor results and wasting an animal’s life. Studies have shown that many medical breakthrough could have been done with the usage of animal subjects. If animals aren’t willingly giving their lives or wanting to go through painful and traumatizing procedures animal testing should be illegal. In other words it is unnecessary when there are alternative ways that can produce better

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