Animal Testing Is Unnecessary

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Animals are poked and prodded at daily in the hopes of advancing human medical research. Instead of the medical advancements that scientists are hoping for, the results of these tests are animals ending up dead or damaged beyond repair. The tests almost always fail because humans and animals are different and people should not depend on animals for human medical information. Many people think that animal testing is helping improve our medical knowledge and curing diseases but really it is just cruel and inaccurate. It is clear that animal testing is not beneficial and should be banned because animal testing is unnecessary for medical research, it is cruel and unsafe for the animals and humans, and animal testing is expensive.

The most important reason is that animal testing is unnecessary for medical research. For example, less than 2% of human illnesses are actually found in animals. 92% of medicines the are passed on animals, fail on humans. Scientists are wasting resources and time on unreliable tests. Also safe substances on humans such as vitamins and vegetable oil, cause birth defects on animals. Safe medicines like aspirin, digitals, insulin, and more failed when they were first tested on …show more content…

For example, every year more than 100 million animals are killed in just U.S. labs. Before the animals die they are tortured, going through countless traumatizing procedures. The animals go through things like being burnt, inhaling toxic fumes, being drilled at, and more (Peta). Animal testing is no different if not worse than animal abuse. If animal abuse is illegal, then animal testing should be too. Another example is in America, 106,000 deaths are caused by reactions to drugs that passed on animal tests. 2.1 million are hospitalized. These reactions can also cause serious disabilities (Peta2). All in all, animal testing is injuring or killing much more people than it is

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