Animal Testing Is Inhumane Essay

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Animal Testing Every year over 100 million animals, such as guinea pigs, mice, cats, dogs, pigs, frogs and many others are tested on. These animals are tested for cosmetics, medical research, biology lessons, food, chemicals, drugs and even just curiosity-driven experiments. Animal testing is inhumane and should only be used for medical purposes. For starters, animal testing is inhumane and cruel. According to Human Society animals breath in toxic fumes. Rats are put into a tube with fumes for perfumes, this lead to more that half of the rats dying within 14 days of the testing or some may have seizures,bleeding, or become paralyzed while still being in the intoxicated tube. Guinea pigs and mice are tested for skin sensation, most resulting in redness, irritation, ulcers, scaling and in some cases permanent skin damage. Rabbits are shaved, then tested with patches for face mask products and others, after being exposed half of them result in dying within 14 days. Rabbits are tested on for eye irritation. To test them for eye irritation they use the draize test. Draize testing is where shampoos, body wash and other cosmetic products are dropped into their eyes or put into their eyes with a syringe. If not successful they animals result in blindness, Last, …show more content…

According to the US alone spends $16 billion dollars for animal testing and out of that $16 billion $12-$14.5 goes towards cosmetic animal testing every year. Not only is the US spending billions, but it’s coming out of taxpayers' pockets. Much of animal testing is caused by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH distributes 40% of their annual research budget into animal testing. There are many alternatives for testing, which are cheaper and not harmful. For example, computer models, stem cell and genetic methods, and even microdosing. Cosmetic testing is overpriced and there are many alternatives that are cheaper and less

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