Animal Science - Vibriosis

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When researching diseases that affect animals, I chose to research one that deals with cattle. This disease would be a reproductive venereal disease called vibriosis. Vibriosis can affect all breeds of cattle, male or female, and is the most important cause of infertility in female cattle along with occasional abortions. This disease is caused by bacteria that live in the crevices of a bull’s prepuce, of a bull aged four years or older (Hansen, 1914). Age is a factor because the foreskin of a bull does not develop until then. The disease is spread from an infected bull to a cow during breeding. A bull might be clean, but then infected by a cow who was infected by a bull before him. Many bulls can go years without showing any signs of this disease, whereas female cattle may lose a calf to an abortion the next coming calving season.
Again, the major upsets this disease causes is infertility and abortions (Hansen, 1914). Vibriosis in females causes endometritis. This means there is a failure to conceive or the death of the embryo. Affected cows may conceive and not return to heat 21 da...

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