Animal Farm, by George Orwell

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Orwell uses words to demonstrate that language can be deceptive, powerful, and manipulative. A farm is brought up, where the social order has been corrupt by the superior class of the pigs. The major difference between the pigs and other animals is that pigs can fluently use language and other animals cannot. Orwell introduces the plot of the pigs’ politics being corrupt due to greed and intense pride of their species. The pigs seek to make use of other animals’ underdeveloped linguistic skills and ignorance. Horses, goats, sheep and other animals have been assigned enormous amount of work by the pigs to cultivate the farm and build a windmill. The pigs call themselves brain workers and do not take part in work that involves physical movement. They easily convince other animals into thinking that this is the reason why Jones is not coming back. In this deceiving manner of using words, the pigs have ascended to the leading class of this “society” while the other animals resulted in belonging to the “working class”. Also, the book constantly mentions how powerful language can be. Napoleon’s unique diction that carries an intimidating and admonishing effect causes the animals to have an unconditional belief in him. Orwell purposely exemplifies a society within a fable to effectively note these three aspects of deception, power, and manipulation and to emphasize that one’s mastery of language is crucial in order not to be tricked and manipulated by the words of the elite class who were given proper education.

Squealer, the deceitful assistant of Napoleon is a significant character to analyze in this book. Squealer not only is capable of speaking and reading a language without difficulty, but also is greatly talented in drawing attent...

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..., power, and manipulation are the aspects of language substantiated in Animal Farm. By fabricating with a precise and sensible illustration, language can be deceptive. Words can carry power or influence with the use of terse and persuasive dictions and repetition. Finally, Orwell describes how manipulative the language can be using the examples of mottoes controlling the animals and being the foundation of their personal conducts. The reason for Orwell presenting such abilities of words this book is to highlight the importance of one’s education and mastery of language. The author writes this fable in order to deliver the message that those who do not do so will be susceptible to such deception or manipulation. The proficiency in speech, writing, reading and listening comprehension and the flexibility in lexica determine one’s capability of living in this society.

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