Animal Farm Symbolism Essay

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In George Orwell’s Animal Farm symbolism, repetition, and visual imagery are present as Napoleon transforms into a tyrant. Throughout Napoleon’s rule, he became increasingly altered from his experience with humanity. The beginning of his rule is riddled with apparent symbolism to Joesef Stalin. As his rule progresses, he is exposed to humanity and develops habits of lying and cheating the system that he had set up. Finally, Napoleon has reached the point of no return. He changes from the mindset of the only good human is a dead one, to not only a sympathizer but takes the pro humanity stance. Throughout the novel Napoleon has been undergoing a transformation of character from an inexperienced leader of Animal Farm to a seasoned ruler treated as the god of Manor Farm.
Napoleon has all the praise, admiration, and support a monarch could even want but still is ambitious for a greater way to rule. To obtain resources, Animal Farm needed to get to the next level so Napoleon reaches out to mankind. Humanity is his sworn enemy and the basis of rebellion at Animal Farm, but nevertheless, he hires Mr. Whymper, a …show more content…

The symbolism to Stalin is powerful to one with the knowledge of Stalin’s regime and translates into the understanding that not all that Napoleon did was wrong. It is short-sighted to think that Stalin had a completely negative impact on Russia as he made an rural wasteland into an industrial powerhouse in the matter of 30 years. Napoleon is the same way by his declaration of building the windmill, teaching the animals to read, and evolution of effective farming. Nonetheless both Stalin and Napoleon were tyrants in their purges and killing of innocent civilians. Napoleon fit the bill of an oppressive ruler and was only acted on things that would help him. Tyranny through the outlet of humanity was present as yet another purity is contaminated by the filthy human

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