Animal Farm Is Fair Essay

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Are the Pigs on Animal Farm been fair
“Just because something isn’t a lie doesn’t mean it isn’t deceptive.” These are words, Criss Jami, An existentialist philosopher used to portray a manipulative and misleading person. There are millions of people in the world like that yet you will be shocked about how many of those people claim to be your friend or pretend to have your back. The book Animal Farm by George Orwell shed a light about that. It's about a farm where animals are being neglected by humans. They got tired of being mistreated and started a rebellion which eventually kicked out all the humans. Now the farm is in control of the pigs who happen to be corrupt. They deceive the animals by getting most of the food for themselves, cause …show more content…

Due to the pig's inadequate leadership, the animals have had to choose between two “preeminent”(Orwell 15) boar pigs - Napoleon and Snowball. These two are constantly on each other necks. They argue about everything and never seems to be in any understanding. There was this case of the windmill where “The whole farm was deeply divided on the subject”(Orwell 50). This was one of the “bitter”(Orwell 15) disagreement that these two had. It caused a lot of trouble on the farm because the animals were basically divided into two sides--one that supported napoleon that didn't want snowball to build the windmill and work for food for the entire week while the others who wanted snowball to build the windmill and work for three days a week. They even had a slogan that said “Vote for snowball and the three-day week.” and “Vote for napoleon and a full manger”(Orwell 50). The pigs could have just found a compromise since they are so smart that would have saved the rest of the animals the trouble of having to be divided but they didn’t. They just want to each get their own way and without looking back at how that is affecting the people that see them as leaders. These just shows how incompetent and unfit they are to rule this

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