Animal Farm Compared To The 1917 Russian Revolution

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In many situations, people try to change their surroundings for the better. However, sometimes down the road some people begin to lose sight of what their real intentions are, which can lead to a drastic downfall when reaching their goal. Animal Farm illustrated by George Orwell an English novelist, journalist, and critic. Animal Farm was written to compare to the 1917 Russian Revolution. Throughout the story, many characters are introduced and they each play a significant role in the book. The story starts off with all the animals joining together to listen to Old Major which is the oldest boar on the farm. The animals believe that the only way to live a long and laborless life is by getting rid of the biggest obstacle in their paths which are the humans. When Jones forgets to feed the animals, they become angry and frustrated. As a result, all the animals decide to fight back and get rid of the humans, which they succeed in doing. However things don’t turn out the way they want to because greed and selfishness blinded the animals ability to see the reason for even starting a revolution. Despite the animals having a great start after the revolution it still failed drastically, because of the leaders ability to take advantage of the animals intelligence and trust.

Before the downfall of the …show more content…

Squealer informs that it was never said that the animals could not engage in trade and using money. It was only in their imagination the lies created by Snowball. Squealer asked Are you sure that this is not something that you just “dreamed?’’( Animal Farm 64). By convincing the animals that they were wrong, squealer is able to mess with their minds. The animals know that they have bad memories, so they tend to lean on other people's word rather than theirs. The animals lean on others who are much smarter than they are because they know what they might be thinking is not the real

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