Animal Encounters

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Ahh, animals can give you quite the fun and/or terrifying times. I’ve had many interesting animal encounters in my life, but the best one was when I was still in the womb. I’ve heard this story many times and I still crack up every time. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out, and my parents were itching for some fresh air. They decided to go to the park down the street and just walk along the shore line. The left the house and soon arrived at the park.
There were a ton of geese but my mom didn’t think anything of it. My dad on the other hand was a bit concerned. “It’s just some geese, what are they going to do?” my mom chuckled. As they were walking the geese just minded their own business, except for one of them. It was one sassy, cocky, and confident goose I tell you. Hisssss went the goose. It continued to hiss at both of them for 5 minutes. My mom was about real sick of this goose’s crap; she started walking towards it. “What are you doing?!” my dad shouted. “To show this goose who’s boss!” my mom yelled back. As my mom approached the goose it hissed more and more. She grabbed it by its neck and drop kicked it. My dad, dumbfounded, said, “Honey, what are you doing?! You’re pregnant!” “Oh, hush I’m fine. Let’s keep walking,” she replied. The goose kept its distance after that.
Another interesting encounter I’ve had is when I was super young, maybe five or six. In a spongebob episode they said if you threw rocks in a fire then it would turn into popcorn. Being young and naive; I decided to try. My family was having a bon fire and we had a gravel driveway. It was about 10 pm, so it was pretty dark. I walked over to my driveway, grabbed a handful of small rocks, looked up and about peed my pants. In the same moment I looked...

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...hairs in the dining room. I don’t even remember moving, the next thing I knew was that I was on the chair. My dad came flying in the room asking what was wrong. He looked so concerned. When I told him it was a mouse and he started laughing at me. I was traumatized and all he had to do was laugh at me. “You got me all worked up over nothing!” he laughed. I told my mom I wasn’t helping with dinner anymore, so I sat in my room the rest of the night.
As you can tell, I’ve been mentally scarred many times by animals. They’re funny stories to look back on, but when I think of when it happened, I get a bit freaked out all over again. With two out of my four stories having to do with deer you can probably see why I’m not much of a deer person. I’m sure I’ll have more interesting encounters and stories to come, but I hope those ones don’t scar me for life like these ones.

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