Anguished-Bereaved, Auschwitz-Birkenau

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Anguished-Bereaved, Auschwitz-Birkenau
Picture this for a moment, a cattle drive to the slaughter house, thousands of cattle being pushed, crammed, and hit into cattle cars for a one way trip, but now, picture the even sadder reality, that this occurred to our own race, the human race, to millions with even harsher treatment than death itself… The Holocaust. During World War II, Adolf Hitler, the German leader, used his power and the Nazi party to convince and force his attempt at a genocide of the Jews in Europe, by using work and death camps. While every aspect of the Holocaust was equally sinful, when it comes to the worst of the worst of the concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau probably was the most brutal. Jewish people during WW2, like Eliezer and his family from Night, were separated from all other society members and were soon deported to the unknown location, Auschwitz-Birkenau, to be …show more content…

But all of that was about to change. The meal programs at Auschwitz-Birkenau included bland food and small rations compared to the harsh work they were doing ("Meals" 1). “Meal times were the most important event of each day,” ("Meals" 1) and meal times were set for morning, mid-afternoon, and evening. After attendance check, the Jews were given “imitation coffee or herbal ‘tea’” ("Meals" 1). For mid- afternoon meal, or lunch, the prisoners were given watered down soup, and “if they were lucky, they might find a piece of turnip or potato peel” ("Meals" 1). The evening meal ranged anywhere from a piece of bread, cheese, marmalade or even a small piece of sausage ("Meals" 1). Elie's dad would often sacrifice his own rations of food to give to his son, causing him to face starvation as well (Wiesel, 83). With the amount, length, and difficulty of the work, this small ration of food was not nearly enough. Starvation of a very large issue in Auschwitz-Birkenau, leading to many

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