Angela Bennett: Ethical Issues In The Net Movie

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The Net movie made in 1995 does a great job in terms of highlighting the ethical issues in cyber espionage. The software virus can be used by any entity such as business, government, hackers, etc. to steal information for personal gains. Angela Bennett is a computer expert discovers computer virus disguised in a concert game that can access mainframe of any network such as airlines, nuclear plants, defense, etc.
The ethical issues surrounding this film is personal privacy which shows the "bad guys" found out everything about Angela Bennett such as what kind of drink she liked, what cigarettes she used to smoke, what movies she liked, etc. This information can be pieced together by hackers who gains unauthorized access to a computer or network and use to steal information, money, property, or tamper with data (Emily, 2006).
The information can be accessed through the preferences you establish for search engines, such as Google, “a tracking cookie takes the regular cookie process one step further and sends a log of your online activities, usually tied to your Internet Protocol (IP) address, to a remote database for analysis. Many tracking cookies are benign and want …show more content…

Even if you consider the amount of information available about people on the internet through MySpace or Facebook that can only lead to potential risk of identity theft. Hackers try to get inside your computer and get personal information trash, email, or phishing to lure internet users to bogus websites. Hackers can send email pretending to have issues with your current service and requesting information like credit card, social security number or PIN number to resolve issue. The best way to protect against identity theft is not to give out information over the internet, always call the service provide to verify the issue (Ebert & Griffin,

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