Andreas Gursky

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Andreas Gursky

Andreas Gursky was born in Leipzig and studied in Essen and later
Düsseldorf. As winner of the Citibank Private Bank Photography Prize in 1998, Gursky has established himself as one of the leading photographers of his time. He generally photographs landscapes in large colour format - the images are of urban landscapes (the Hong
Kong Stock Exchange) both interior and exterior.

German artist Andreas Gursky is best known for his billboard-size photographs that inhabit a space between painting and photography, landscape and human concern, animate and inanimate. He often places his large-format camera at a high-angled distance from his subject, creating images that suggest mapping stills from outer space or cyber-technology. Sometimes computer manipulated, his images of corporate architecture, environmental contemplations such as pebbly earth, and mass groups of people freeze-framed mid-motion often reference the geometric forms of Minimalist Art and the "allover" quality of a Jackson Pollock painting. Our eyes dance across his dense, often slightly abstracted images, which display strong formal elements as they blend relationships between nature, culture, and technology. He is particularly concerned with capturing motion and creating a moment of stillness in that space. His work is "as much akin to the physics of motion as it is to the philosophy of convergence." Let's Entertain features a large photograph of a mass of youthful partygoers titled May Day III. Thi...

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