Ancient China Research Paper

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Throughout China’s history, dynasties have deeply ruled China over a course of 4,000 years. Confucius walked the earth in 551 BC, and inspired new ways of thinking and teaching education. He valued deep thought and became a living example for those around him. Confucius took great delight in studying and was eager to learn from anyone. Confucius taught the value of kindness, integrity, truth, modestly and courteousness that spread like wildfire and inspired those around him. In addition, Confucius is credited to have written some of China’s most influential Chinese classics, which helped outline the principles of a society, confucian philosophy, aspects of life, and early education (Surowski). Confucius was set on the following basic principles when it came to learning. Confucius often said “Studying without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying leads to laziness” (“Confucianism”). The early …show more content…

Mao desired to restrict education in the hands of the people, and he punished those who were highly educated. Mao set up a Revolutionary Committee in 1967, which struck terror across China. An immense number of people were killed, tortured, and abused for being highly educated. Mao disrupted China’s history of deep prosperous thinking along with its value of education, and replaced it by planting terror and punishment into the lives of those who did (Krammer). The Great Leap Forward was pushed in 1958, in hope that China would catch up to the rest of the world. However, The Great Leap Forward was more of a great leap backwards. Citizens were forced to work and shortly education became more unreachable. Although Mao thought that this would boost up China’s economy, many of the Chinese population became: uneducated, hungry, and ill from this terrible event in China’s history ("Learn About the Tragic Great Leap Forward in

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