Analyzing The Animated Film 'Joseph: King Of Dreams'

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There are many modern representations of the story of Joseph. One of these is the animated movie, “Joseph: King of Dreams.” This movie conveys the story from the bible, but does alter it in some ways. It adds in some parts to give context, as well as taking away some negative aspects of the story. Overall, the movie does do a good job of telling the story of Joseph in a way that is easier to follow than the story in the bible. One difference from the bible is the first dream Joseph has in the film. The first dream Joseph has in the film is one where a ram is killed by wolves. This dream is not present in the bible, but is used by the creators of the film to show how Joseph’s gift worked. His dream came true not long after, which showed the viewers that his dreams were visions of the future. Additionally, Jacob praised Joseph because of this dream, which caused another difference from the bible. In the bible, after Joseph tells his family about the dreams with the sheaves of wheat and the heavens bowing down to him, Joseph’s brothers, along with his father, mocked him for implying that they would bow to …show more content…

This includes Joseph’s rise from being bought by Potiphar to being placed in charge of all he had as well as the time Joseph spent in prison. The film shows Joseph starting off cleaning floors and working his way up to overseeing all Potiphar has. This is to fill in the gaps left by the story in the bible. It is never said what Joseph had to do to boost his rank within Potiphar’s household. Therefore, the filmmakers added in these scenes to fill in what the bible left out. When Joseph is in prison, the film shows him helping a tree grow along with him become more rugged looking. This conveys to the audience that a long time, two years to be exact, had passed while Joseph was in prison. These extra stories make it easier to follow the story of Joseph without having too many

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