Analyzing Sister Rose's Poem

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“Whenever one person stands up and says, “Wait a minute, this is wrong,” it helps other people do the same” by Gloria Steinem. Sister Rose Thering was that one person who stood up also known as an upstander. Sister Rose Thering stood up for the Jewish people and rooted out the anti-Semitism in the Christian religion. Sister Rose was a marvelous upstander and inspires me to be an upstander, too. She lived and worked as an upstander inspiring people and she inspires me. First, Sister Rose lived as an upstander and inspires me to be an upstander. Sister Rose choose to live in a Jewish complex because she supported them and wasn’t afraid to stand up for them. She wasn’t afraid to stand up for them and live her life standing up for them, and that inspires me to be like her and live my life standing up and helping others. Sister Rose stood up for others, and that inspires me to be an upstander for others and be a feminist to help create equality for all genders, races, religions, and sexualities. Additionally, Sister Rose spent most of her life …show more content…

Sister Rose is an incredibly inspiring person and her work as an upstander what sets her apart from other people. She was ridiculed, criticism and opposition, but she persevered, making the change happen. She inspires me to face problems and criticism head on, and overcome them to accomplish my goals. I face opposition every day for being a female, Hispanic and African American, and Sister Rose inspires me to face that opposition and stand up for others who face that same opposition. Sister Rose worked extremely vigorously to change the religion books, and other religious reading for Christianity. I am inspired to one day works as vigorously as she did to make a change and help others better their lives. To conclude, Sister Rose worked diligently to help others, and that inspired me to be an upstander and work just as

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