Analyzing June Callwood's Essay Making A Difference

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“Making a Difference” by June Callwood is an expository essay created to inspire the reader to make a change in the world around them, and to stand up for what they believe in. By just doing simple, positive things, people can make a huge impact on their lives and the lives of people around them. June Callwood, author of “Making a Difference”, changes the way many people see the world by describing scientific research and telling the stories of people who performed small, random acts of kindness that made a huge difference in people’s attitudes and the community around them.

June Callwood starts her essay by describing the story of a woman who had just recently moved to Canada and was being abused by her husband. The author describes the way people constantly talked about how someone should help the poor woman, but no one actually stepped up and did. A few days later, though, a fund had been established to help the woman, and she had …show more content…

Arendt’s studies state that “...evil thrives on apathy and cannot exist without it; therefore, apathy is evil.” (June Callwood, 442). The author then produces a persuasive argument about why she believes Arendt is correct in her findings, and adds her own conclusion; “They (bystanders) fantasize about taking leadership to get a much-needed crosswalk for the neighbourhood, or throwing themselves into good works. The problem is: how to start.” (June Callwood, 442). The author gives several examples of altruistic people who saw a chance to make change, and took it. She describes the difference of performing a good deed out of the goodness of one’s heart, and performing one with the intent of being rewarded. Callwood shows proof of extensive research in her writing, and craftily uses a mixture of pathos and logos (rare, but effective) to sway the reader into agreeing with her. Overall, the body of her essay is well written and very

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