Analyzing Horace Pippin's Domino Players

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Describe: In Domino Players by Horace Pippin you are able to see family members and friends at their home doing everyday activities, like caring for their children, quilting and smoking. The most distinct object depicted in the painting is the fire in the background because the red color is very vivid. Horace Pippin has used oil painting to depict this family but it was not applied with precision, it has expressive marks. In order to set the mood the artist used gray scale value colors and some dark warm and cool analogous colors. The shapes and forms that are illustrated have sharp edges since they were implied to make the art piece look realistic. The lines and textures that are illustrated are there to make the depicted objects look real. By this drawing you are unable to tell what time of day it is but I suppose it is the afternoon or night time because the lighting in the room is dark. Horace Pippin's main idea for creating this artwork was to show his childhood memories.

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The most important element is color because it shows the families race and it represents their moods. The author contrasted color and value by adding vivid colors to the most important items and value to depict the mood .Other elements that are included are form- to show the dominos, line- to show emphasis on the objects but he has also used shapes to show how the room is decorated. Space is also depicted to show the setting and the room. In the artwork lines are not the dominant elements but they play a role to show the shapes. The mark making tools were used to depict a particular look of the family. Texture has been used to show the realistic objects so they are actual textures. Light is used to show the mood of the illustration which looks bored and gloomy. The three most important design choices Horace Pippin made while creating this artwork were form, space and

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