Analyzing Gregory Boyer's 'American Soldier Rise'

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The poem chosen for this project was American Soldier Rise by Gregory Boyer. When I began contemplating a poem for a reflection paper I immediately decided to choose one based on personal experiences within my own life. I then had to make a choice between a poem about public safety or military service as I have been involved in both career paths for more 25 years. I questioned whether to use American Soldier Rise after my first reading. As I went back and re-read the poem I realized it began to speak to me in a profound manner. The poem also confirmed one of my fears that we have become so focused on the horrors of war we forget from where our soldiers come. American Soldier Rise begins with what is described as a “foreigner” (1) asking “Where can I in U.S. find soldier to see?” (2). This caused me to pause and question what or who was an American soldier? When we think of a soldier, our thoughts immediately go to someone being sent to a foreign country and engaging in violent confrontations …show more content…

Interestingly, this stanza spoke to me the most and the reason may be shocking. When I signed up many years ago to serve our great country I did so taking an oath to defend the constitution. Many in our great nation feel there should be a criminal charge for desecrating or burning the American flag. I do not have that same belief and the reason is specifically outline in the First Amendment. In this amendment Congress is specifically prohibited from restricting our freedom of speech. While we cannot yell “fire” in a crowded movie theater because of the dangers it creates we should be able to express our opinion and disagreement with the government without fear of retaliation. I will add that I find it abhorrent to burn or desecrate a flag it is still a freedom for which I took an oath to both honor and defend and to allow those who chose so to be able to express themselves in this

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