Analyzing Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven

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First I will examine the external rhythm. The Raven is composed of 18 stanzas, while each stanza has 6 lines. By looking at how the words at the end of each line sound, the rhyme scheme is ABCBBB. Furthermore, to determine the meter of this poem, it is necessary to look at the variation of stressed and unstressed syllables. Stressed syllables (bold in the example) are defined by higher tone, increased volume and/or longer than unstressed syllables. The stressed syllable starts the poem and is followed by an unstressed syllable. This pattern continues through the whole poem and is called trochaic meter.
Moreover, I would like to examine the internal rhyme of the poem, which is a rhyme within one line of the poem (in cursive in the example). …show more content…

Specifically I will look at the iconic word of this poem “nevermore", that is repeated from 8th stanza in every single stanza. The word itself has no special meaning, however in each it evokes a different meaning and can be interpreted in a different way.
First, when the word ”nevermore” is first presented in the 8th and 9th stanza, it carries no special meaning. It is an answer to protagonist’s request for Raven’s name. The only curiosity is, that the Raven can actually talk.
However, in the 10th stanza the word earns a different meaning. The protagonists griefs over his lost love and assumes that as others, the Raven will also leave him. The Raven opposes him by saying “nevermore,” as it would understand the his concerns and implies that it will never leave him.
The approach of the protagonist again changes the meaning of this expression in the 11th and 12th stanza. The word ”nevermore”in these context is used by the main character, while he tries to rationally examine the reason behind the Raven’s constant usage of this

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