Analyze and Discuss St. Anselm’s Ontological Argument

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Many theologies take/ give the existence of God a lot of importance due to their beliefs, and faith. However, some philosophers and theologians thought it is important that to demonstrate the existence of God to those who says that there is no God. The St. Anselm’s ontological Argument is a priori argument for the Existence of God. Anselm’s Ontological Argument had been known as the first Ontological Argument which had been proposed in 1078 by Anselm of Canterbury in his book Proslogion. Although Anselm didn’t gave his Ontological Argument a name immediately; however, the name Proslogium was given several centuries later by Kant. Anselm as a philosopher his aim on his ontological Argument is to refute the fools who say or who don’t believe in their heart there is a God. Anselm’s purposes on his argument are to prove that God’s exits by using philosophical logic and reason.

Anselm’s Ontological argues that whoever understand what it means to talk about God, will see is necessarily true that God’s exist. Anselm’s begins his Ontological argument with the concept and the definition of “God”. Anselm defines “God” as “a being than which no greater being can be conceived.” Moreover, Anselm on his Ontological argument claims that everyone, no matter if they believe in God or not agrees with his definition. He mentioned that from the Psalms 14:1 even the fool who claims he doesn’t believe in God’s existence. Anselm has been agrees that between the understanding of God as a concept and his existence are difference. Furthermore, he explains the point by using the painter of an analogy. Anselm uses an example of painting to demonstrate the understanding and the concept of God. He says that before a painter created a masterpiece of art, he can see the image in his head even though he knows that the painting not to exit, he understands the imagination of the painting as a

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