Analytical Essay On 1984 By George Orwell

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Would Earth become a more efficient place to live under the authority of someone like Big Brother? In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the city of London is taken over by Big Brother and renamed to Oceania; citizens living under the authority of Big Brother live in constant fear as they are constantly controlled and ministered while forced to respect the Party. By analyzing the novel using a symbol, a motif, a theme, a conflict and reading the novel through psychoanalytic lens, citizens clearly suffer from the influence of the Party. The character Winston Smith is revealed as the protagonist in the novel; he despises the Party and desires the citizens of Oceania to obtain more privacy and freedom from Big Brother. Winston and Julia are in …show more content…

“They can’t get inside you. If you can feel that staying human is worth while, even when it can’t have any result whatever, you’ve beaten them” (Orwell 166). This quote supports the topic because Winston exclaims that citizens don’t own much of anything because of the Party but they still own their judgment, which involves hatred of Big Brother. The Party always can surveil a person, but thoughts are private to one. Thoughts are the last thing one has that truly belongs to them, therefore it’s important to use them wisely. Another piece of evidence that backs up the subject is when Winston is exclaiming his hatred of the Party’s rules towards O’ Brien and accuses the Party of being too controlling towards its citizens: “You are ruling over us for our own good… You believe that human beings are not fit to govern themselves” (Orwell 262-263). This quotation encourages the subject because Winston makes his opinions of disagreement with the Party known. Citizens receive no privacy due to the Party’s use of spying; this way, the Party is aware of the whereabouts of its citizens and can use them whenever needed. The Party is demolishing the right to freedom because they have complete control and refuse to let people fend for …show more content…

Citizens own nothing personal to them besides their own thoughts: “Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull” (Orwell 27). This citation supports the focus because their mind is the only privilege that citizens still possess control over, which isn’t plentiful. Even though the Party takes control over every citizen’s possessions, they can’t acquire away their thoughts or memories. Past memories can’t prove any physical evidence against the Party; therefore the Party doesn’t seize it like all physical rights. Citizens aren’t allowed to display emotion, yet can feel emotions mentally. Besides, the Party constantly spies citizens on using telescreens: “The Party controls the home as well. The Thought Police monitor a citizen’s sanctuary through telescreens that record everything that occurs in any given room” (“Individual” McLaughlin 1). This text aids the topic because due to continuous spying by the Party, citizens possess no right to their own privacy. The continuous observing using the telescreens renders it impossible for citizens to perform activities they select that would be disapproved by the Party. If a citizen worries about the undertakings they perform at home due to distressing about the telescreens, then they basically receive no rights to anything. Equally important, Winston is repetitively spied on while

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