Analysis of Two Advertisements

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Analysis of Two Advertisements

One of the massive international industries in the world is

advertising. The money that it makes is inestimable because it

successfully sells, and attains most the aims of their business. It

promotes ideas and products to people using the media. A lot of people

feel overwhelmed by the huge number of ads that bombard them everyday.

It saturates every media around to meet its target. Adverts now appear

not only on television; they also appear on radio, billboards,

Internet, cell phones and numerous other ways. It can be argued that

they have a profound effect on people’s appearance and our society.

Advertising in my view is a competitive industry. Advertisers are

fierce to sell their products and work extremely hard to get the

attention from the specific audience they try to target. To do this,

advertisers need to create ideas that would interest their audience.

If a product were to be sold to a woman, advertisers would have images

or texts to show mainly femininity and also include freshness, erotica

and purity. However, products advertisers sell to men portrays that

they are powerful, muscular and in control of their environment. The

advertisers successfully sell their products making both genders

create a standard image or a fixed idea of how their appearance could

be. It is believed that generally ideas that appeal to woman will not

appeal to men in the same way. This is the reason why women appear as

objects, making themselves desirable and adored. Men however appear as

subjects, looking dominant and in control.

In this essay, I intend to examine two advertisements I have chosen

and studied. ...

... middle of paper ...

...eate our views of paradise, and sets us to live up to

unrealistic, high standards. We tend to generate answers, and create a

new image of ourselves by buying specific item.

In conclusion to this essay, the two adverts I have chosen has made it

clear how the media sell their products. They reinforce stereotypes

and successfully help men and women change their appearances. To do

this they need to create ideas or build up an image that would

interest their target audience. They make women obsessed on how to be

attractive or adored, whereas in men’s case, they would make them

obsessed on how to appear commanding and dominant. Overall, as

mentioned in the beginning, women in the advertising industry are

known as objects whereas men are known as subjects. This is how

products in our society are effectively and easily sold.

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