Analysis of Jaws

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Analysis of Jaws

This essay will analyse the film ‘Jaws’ and look at the ways that

Steven Spielberg (The director) builds suspense and scares the

audience in the film. Jaws was the box-office sensation of 1975 and

the number-one hit movie of the decade until 1977's ‘Star Wars’; this

was a time when the success or failure of a few blockbusters began to

determine the course of the entire motion picture industry. The film

is about a killer shark that causes havoc among an island resort town,

called Amity, somewhere in New England. The film is set on the 4th of

July this is because in America the 4th of July is a national holiday.

It is one of the only times in the year in which the whole of America

is on holiday. Many Americans will be enjoying themselves on the

beach. This makes ‘Jaws’ seem like a greater threat and emphasises the

fact that people are going to be killed because with more people on

the beach there is a greater chance of death.

The start of the film starts off with a point of view shot of

‘something’ swimming through the water with the Jaws theme music going

on in the background. Near the climax of the theme, music the word

JAWS appears on the screen. This immediately connects the music with

the presence of the creature called Jaws.

After the climax of the music, it the cuts to the first scene in

which, we see a cheerful bunch of teenagers having a party on the

beach. This is a typical American teenage party. We see alcohol, and

even a joint, being passed round. We can sense that something is going

to happen, but our minds are deceived when we see the large bonfire.

When we think of a bonfire we think of safety an...

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... his way to the sea bed with out the shark knowing. Our fears,

suspensions and tensions fade away as we all know that it is now over.

The final scene is of Hooper and Brody sailing off into the distance

using one of the barrels afloat after the shipwreck.

I think that the scariest scene in the film is the first attack. We

have no idea what is out there, it is on a night and we are not

prepared for what is going to happen. It emphasises the fact the in

reality no one is safe. A cheerful young bunch of teenagers enjoying

themselves and it turns out that within all of the safety surrounding

them there will always be some kind of danger no matter how hard you

try and protect yourself. This was also similar in the other two

attacks. I think this is the meaning of the film and that everyone can

learn a lesson from it.

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