Analysis of Aileen Wuornos's Psyche

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Aileen Wuornos suffers from borderline personality disorder, which

brings an overwhelming fear of abandonment. When that fear escalated,

it could well have been the trigger for what Aileen called her

"killing days." This disorder would be what drove her to kill.

Aileen’s childhood is most likely what started her into the life she

led. From the time she was a little girl she was trouble. Aileen did

poorly in school and was promiscuous before even becoming a teenager.

She was pregnant by the age of 14 and was sent away to an unwed

mothers home. Her son was then adopted in 1971. She was a

pathological liar, making claims such as having sex with over 250,000

men while she was pulling tricks or even that she had sex with her

brother at a young age.

Aileen never held a steady job. She prostituted for her money.

Eventually she met Selby, and formed a loving relationship with her.

She always feared abandonment when with Selby. She always feared that

Selby would leave her and she would be alone again. Around these

times when she felt that she and Selby’s relationship was rocky was

when most of the murders happened. She took out her pent up rage on

the men she killed.

Most of Aileen’s abnormalities run into her personality because they

were practically one and the same. Her personality of being an anti

social loner, with pent up rage drove her into the life she led. She

was most likely not gay, but was definitely bisexual, although she did

have a hatred of men.

Aileen often had outbursts of rage. This was proven in the courtroom

when she, on a few occasions, had snapped and screamed and swore not

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